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UKELA Major Accidents Meeting - Podcast

Ivan Vince of ASK Consultants spoke on Risk Assessment at a recent UKELA meeting about Major Accidents to the Environment. You listen to Ivan's presentation with the orginal slides below (to start, click on the arrow on the right of the viewing window), or download it as an audio podcast. Ivan's references are also available to download below.

For more about Major Accidents to the Environment, read Ivan Vince's recent publication on the subject, available from Elsevier.

Save to your computer as a MP3 file (right click and Save As)*

Download just the slides as a PowerPoint presentation [you will need a SlideShare account for this option]

Download just the references


*To import this file as a podcast in iTunes, simply click on "Add File to Library" under "File", locate the file under "Music" and transfer it to your iPod as you would a normal music file or podcast.

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