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Ivan Vince

As founder of ASK Consultants, Ivan has a 30-year background in research, lecturing and consultancy related to industrial hazards. He is highly experienced in incident investigation and in the assessment of risks from major hazards, air pollution and occupational exposure to chemicals.

Ivan is a Chartered Scientist, a Chartered Chemist, a Chartered Engineer, a Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry, a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers and a Fellow of the Energy Institute. He sits on the Loss Prevention Panel of the Institution of Chemical Engineers and is a scientific advisor to the Environmental Law Foundation, and to several leading waste management companies.

The author of numerous academic papers, Ivan is an authority on industrial and environmental risk. As a visiting lecturer in safety, loss prevention and risk assessment, he has shared his considerable expertise with postgraduate students at several universities in the UK and overseas. He also recently edited and co-authored the only available practical guide to major accidents to the environment.

A certified expert witness, he provides scientific evidence in criminal court cases, public inquiries, arbitrations and High Court actions on matters of health, safety and environmental concern.

In 1990, Ivan co-founded the Hungarian industrial risk consultancy AGEL-CBI, one of the first environmental consultancies in the region specialising in industrial risk assessment.

Ivan holds a Master's degree and a Doctorate in combustion science, both from the University of Sheffield, and spent five years in the group of Prof FJ Weinberg FRS at Imperial College London researching flammability limits and combustion generated pollution.

Dr Ivan Vince

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