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November 2011 Newsletter


News from
ASK Consultants
November 2011
Welcome to the November 2011 newletter from ASK!

In this newsletter, you’ll find links to new, free resources and interesting articles in the field of process safety and environmental protection.

Case study: ASK defends suspected arsonist

The rate of conviction for arson is 9% compared to 20% on average for other crimes. When ASK was involved in the investigation of a case of suspected arson...



Opinion: New HSE consultants register flawed

The Health and Safety Executive recently announced the launch of the Occupational Safety and Health Consultants Register (OSHCR)...



Where's Gaia? Journey's End

In March this year, Gaia Vince’s epic 27-month world tour came to an end. The daughter of ASK principal Ivan...



News: Major accident directive reviewed

European legislation dealing with the control of major industrial accidents is due to be updated following a recent review by the European Commission (EC). Seveso II...



Event: Process Safety Masterclass

Principal Consultant, ASK Consultants, Dr Ivan Vince will be leading a masterclass in process safety for the tank storage industry...



Opinion: Do incinerators pose a public health risk?

ASK is occasionally called upon to testify in planning inquiries about municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerators. Among other objections, the alleged impact of stack emissions...



2009_12_08_Newsletter_Oval_100px.jpgThe silly bit: Toilet humour

An Austrian man was injured in an explosion in his bathroom. The victim locked the door, sat on the toilet, and turned on the light, when suddenly...



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